Diffun Water District
Diffun Water District
Water supply system is the process of distributing water from the treatment facility to the concessionaires through pipes which are suited for drinking water. Before transporting water whether it be from the distribution source storage facility, we see to it that it has undergone appropriate processing or treatment to ensure that it is safe for human consumption and the environment as well.
The DWD is mandated to meet the parameters for Drinking Water quality standards to include microbiological, physical, chemical and radiological compositions of water. As such, chlorination is done 24/7 to ensure that the water supply meets the PNSW Reference and should contain no indication of organisms.
General Information of the Supplier
The Diffun Water District was established by virtue of Section 4 of Presidential Decree (PD) 768 and 479 known and referred to as “Local Water District Law” and Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973, respectively. The Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) has awarded The Conditional Certificate of Conformance No. 279 on February 12, 1987. By virtue of this certificate, it has made DWD a bonafide with Section 7 of Presidential Decree 198 as amended. As such, it has become a member of the Philippine Association of Water District (PAWD).
The Water District operates with the primary objective of giving the best service possible to its concessionaires by providing them with reliable, economically viable and potable water supply. It is one of the leading water service providers in the Province of Quirino. DWD water sources are reliant to ground water. The Diffun Water District is headed by the General Manager who is in charge of the day-to-day operations. The DWD water system facilities include six (6) operational deep wells, network of pipelines, two (2) concrete ground reservoirs. With the current deep well facilities, it serves seven (7) barangays out of the thirty three (33) barangays or barely 22% water service coverage.
Presently the six (6) operational deep well pumping stations are:
1. Public Market PS 1
2. Rizal PS 2
3. Rizal PS 3
4. Liwanag PS 4
5. Maria Clara PS 5
6. Liwayway PS 6.
At present the DWD has 9 regular and 1 Job Order employees serving 1630 concessionaires as of May
31, 2024